WY Martial Arts

Master Kimberly A. Witt 734-250-3155

Sensei Robert A. Young 734-818-0690


3930 Dix Road, Lincoln Park



Congratulations on your decision to train in martial arts. You will learn self-defense, teamwork, discipline, self-control, leadership skills, improve your balance, reduce stress, provide all over body conditioning, physical fitness and develop friendships. All in a friendly and fun atmosphere. Children will also be taught stranger danger, say no to drugs/alcohol. They will develop the self-confidence and respect for self and others to help them overcome peer pressures


There are many styles of karate: Tai Kwan Do, Tang Soo Do, Shuri-te, Kung Fu, Shorin-Ryu to name a few. The “father” of karate is Daruma. Karate means empty hands, but this does not necessarily mean you would not use weapons if they were available. It is thought that Funokoshi is responsible for bringing karate to Japan.

Our style is Isshin-Ryu, which means one heart, one mind. Isshin-Ryu karate uses 50% hands and 50% feet. It was founded in 1954 by Tatsuo Shimabuku, or “Dragon Boy”.

Shimabuku’s birth name was Shinkick. He was born sometime between 1904 and 1908; and died in Geshigawa in 1975.

Shimabuku studied under several teachers. He began his training with his uncle, Matsumora, sometime between 1916 and 1920. His other teachers were: Chotoku Kyan who practiced the soft style of karate or Shorin-Ryu and was famous for his double jump kicks; Choki Motobu whose nickname was Zaru, which means monkey; and Chojun Miyagi, who practiced the Gojo-Ryu style of karate or the hard style. Shimabuku’s weapons teachers were Shinken Taira and Moden Yabiku.

Weapons were first banned to commoners in 1477 by the second Sho Dynasty. Japan invaded in the 1600. Haitorei was a japanese edict in 1876 that reinforced the ban across all of Japan and its territories. The farmers learned to make their farm equipment into weapons (bo, sai, tonfa and koma). The study of weapons was known as Kubodo.

Isshin-Ryu uses a vertical punch to allow for a more powerful strike with the first two big knuckles and to allow more strength in the wrist to prevent injury to the hands. Always strike with the first two knuckles.

The first Isshin-Ryu dojo was in Chun Village


The letters on the Mizugami emblem translate to Isshin-Ryu karate. Mizugami emblem has six meanings:

  1. 1. Sea Goddess, 3 stars mean: Mother, Father, Son; or 3 teachers, or 3 styles of karate.
  2. 2. Gray background: Peace and tranquility a karate student reaches.
  3. 3. Turbulent Water: What a karate student reaches above.
  4. 4. Oval shape is our vertical fist.
  5. 5. Dragon signifies Shimabuku (“Dragon Boy”).
  6. 6. Orange(or red) border represents the flame in Shimabuku’s dream. In Shimabuku’s dream a stranger came into the dojo and set a ring of fire around Tatsuo. He used his karate training to stay calm and extinguish the flames.


    1. 1 Ichi
    2. 2 Ni
    3. 3 San
    4. 4 Shi
    5. 5 Go
    6. 6 Roko
    7. 7 Shichi
    8. 8 Hachi
    9. 9 Ku
    10. 10 Ju
    11. 11 Ju-ichi
    12. 12 Ju-ni
    13. 13 Ju-san
    14. 14 Ju-shi
    15. 15 Ju-go
    16. 16 Ju-roko
    17. 17 Ju-shichi
    18. 18 Ju-hachi
    19. 19 Ju-ku
    20. 20 Ni-ju


  1. Mae Geri – Front snap kick
  2. Shoba Geri – Side kick
  3. Yoko Geri –side snap kick (blade of foot)
  4. Sokuto Geri – forward angle knee break
  5. Hiza Geri – knee kick
  6. Shoba Konata– cross over kick
  7. Otoshi Geri – squat kick (ball of foot)
  8. Uroshi Geri –back kick
  9. Mae Konate – heal thrust kick
  10. Gedan Geri – Axe kick
  11. Mawashi Geri – round house
  12. Gaka Geri – hook kick
  13. Mae Mikazuki Geri – Front crescent kick
  14. Ura Mikazuki Geri – Rear or reverse crescent kick
  15. Kin Geri – groin kick – toes straight
  16. Double jump kick

Hand Techniques

  1. Haito – ridge hand strike
  2. Shuto – open hand strike
  3. Sieken- straight punch, first two knuckles either
  4. Jodan– upper cut
  5. Uraken – back fist

15 Basics

  1. 1. Seiken Oi Tsuki (say can su ke) – Forward punch to solarplex
  2. 2. Jodan Oi Tsuki (jo don su ke) – Upper cut to nose, chin, throat
  3. 3. Seiken Gyaku Tsuki – (say can ge awk su ke) – reverse punch to solarplex
  4. 4. Jodan Gyaku Oi Tsuki – (jo don ge awk su ke) – reverse upper cut to nose chin throat
  5. 5. Gedan Barai-Seiken Tsuki (ge dan bar I say can su ke) – lower body block, reverse punch
  6. 6. Chudan Uke-Seiken Tsuki (chew dan ookee say can su ke) - middle body block, reverse punch
  7. 7. Tegata Barai Nukite (tegata bar i new ka ta) – open hand middle body block (open fingers/thumb tucked), reverse stab to the throat only(fingers together, thumb tucked)
  8. 8. Jodan Tegata Oki-Jodan Tsuki (jo dan tegata oookee jo dan su ke) – Open hand upper block, upper cut
  9. 9. Jodan Uki-Seiken Tsuki (jo dan oookee say can su ke) – Closed hand upper body block with forearm muscle, reverse punch
  10. 10. Ura Uchi-Seiken Tsuki (or a ooochee say can su ke) – deflect, back fist, reverse punch
  11. 11. Gedan Barai-Goden Joku-Tsuki (Ge dan bar I go don jock a su ke) – Lower body block, five (5) rapid punches from the obi
  12. 12. Chudan Uki-Goden Joku-Tsuki (chew dan ookee go don jock a su ke) – Middle body block, five (5) rapid punches from the obi
  13. 13. Shute-uchi Ishuto-uchi (shoot o shoot o) or (star oochee star oochee) – mid-section strike/collar bone or throat strike with shuto
  14. 14. O-uchi-o-uchi(ow ooch ow ooch) – middle body deflect, big punch big punch to kidneys or ribs
  15. 15. Hige no ato-tsuki (he ge knee a toe she ki) – from cat stance, hip strike to throw opponent’s balance, elbow strike to ribs or sternum


  1. There are various stances (dashi) you will be learning:
  2. Seisan feet shoulder width apart, heal to toe
  3. Seiuchin horse stance
  4. Naihachi feet closer together, toes pointed in, pelvis tilted
  5. Chinto crane stance
  6. Sanchin Narrow(shoulder width) upright "pigeon-toed" foot position, bent front and back knee, all the muscles are to be flexed and tensed
  7. Neko-Ashi-Dachi cat stance – weight mostly on back leg
  8. Zenkutsu forward stance, elongated seisan.

Kata and Kumite:

Before beginning a Kumite match it is proper to rei (bow) to your opponent. Before the match begins the student should bow to the referee;

Prior to advancing onto the next part of a Kata or starting a new Kata, you should always wait to be reviewed by Sensei or an Instructor that he has designated to conduct the Kata review.

When performing a Kata, before a judge or your Sensei, you should ask permission to begin and wait for their acknowledgement, bow before performing and begin your Kata.

It is never appropriate to look a higher ranking judge or your Sensei in the eye in a threatening manner, even in Kata performance. This is very rude, remember your Sensei's skill level and strength. This is not someone you want to threaten but always treat with the utmost respect.

It is not polite to ask your Sensei to fight you (unless otherwise announced) in a Kumite match. It is a great honor for the Sensei to choose to work with you, work hard and your turn will come. You may ask your Sensei to watch your Kata or perform a technique first, then to the opponent. When the match is over the student should bow to the opponent first then the referee.

Your Kata assignment should always come directly from Sensei.


All Isshin-Ryu katas begin with a defensive move. A kata is a series of offensive and defensive moves put to a pattern.

1. Seisan kata translates to 13 opponents or 3rd breathing form. It has 130 movements. The advantages of Seisan stance are it is natural, well-balanced, comfortable and mobile.

2. Seiuchin comes from the the Goyo-Ryu style. It translates to War kata – calm before the storm. There are no kicks in Seiuchin kata.

3. Naihachi kata was made famous by Motobu. It translates to iron horse, surreptitious steps or returning wave. There are four different Naihachi katas.

4. Chinto translates to fighting to the east, or eastward fighter. The story behind it was Chinto was a shipwrecked sailor roamed the village in search of food. He was an excellent fighter who was able to outsmart Matsumora with his deception and use of pivots to survive, which is the basis of chinto kata.

5. Wansu kata is over 600 years. The fighting principle is seize the advantage by changing the distance between opponents. Wansu is famous for the dump.

6. Sanchin comes from the the Goyo-Ryu style. It should take 2 minutes to complete. Sanchin is the only kata which contains NO kias (the cry or release of energy).

7. The Kusanku fighting principal is deception. There are two versions: Day and Night.

8. Sunsu kata was created by Shimabuku.


  1. Sachin: 3 conflicts; mind, body and spirit
  2. Koshi: Ball of foot
  3. Sokuto: Blade of foot
  4. Empi: Elbow
  5. Haito: Ridge Hand
  6. Shuto: Palm heal of hand
  7. Hiza: Knee
  8. Tanden: Spot just below the navel

  1. Jodan: Upper body
  2. Chudan: Middle body
  3. Gedan: Lower body

  1. Hajime: Begin
  2. Osh or matte: Stop
  3. Rei: Bow

  1. Obi: Belt
  2. Dojo: School
  3. Kumite: Sparring
  4. Waza: Technique
  5. Rei: Bow
  6. Kime: Focus
  7. Ryu: Methods passed down
  8. Gyaku: Reverse
  9. Mokuso: Close your eyes/meditate
  10. Seiza: Formal way of sitting
  11. Shomen: At traditional bow, the front of the room or the direction the students face during class
  12. Makiwara: Striking board
  13. Ma-ai: Distance between opponents
  14. Sabaki and Ibuki: Fundamentals of movement and breath

Proper Attire:

Full uniform (Gi, or Gi bottoms and t-shirt in summer months) with school patch sewn on left side of the jacket. Sweats and a t-shirt may be worn for the first month.

Tank tops and cut off shirts are not appropriate.

No jewelry should be worn.

Long hair should be tied back out of the way.

Toe and finger nails trimmed close.

Males should always wear a groin cup as part of their uniform. Females should also have groin protective gear available and always should be worn. 

The student should always wear the appropriate belt tied correctly, as per Sensei. (The belt designates not only rank, but knowledge level in this dojo as well. Respect should always be given to a higher-ranking student. Higher ranks should also be ready at any moment to share their knowledge and help the junior student.)

Feet should be bare during class. Shoes shall not be worn on the Dojo floor without the permission of Sensei.  If shoes are needed this is to be approved by Sensei only and these provisions will be for special needs to an injury only. Remove you shoes before taking your place in class.

If at any time, Sensei asks you to change the condition of your uniform, you are expected to comply. Turn around and make the proper adjustments to your uniform. Any deviations from the uniform must have Sensei's direct approval. We learn as individuals, but always manage our operation as a team.

Your belt (“obi”) should be treated with respect. It should never be played with or on the floor.

Equipment Required:

For the student's convenience, uniforms and equipment are available through the dojo. Please see Sensei for proper sizing and equipment options.

You are responsible to keep your uniform clean neat at all times.

Sparring Gear: headgear, mouthpiece, hand pads, shin guards, footpads. Not necessary for beginners, but will be mandatory before any sparring will be allowed. The school has a limited amount of sparring equipment you may borrow. However, BY THE TIME YOU ARE AN ORANGE BELT, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT. You may purchase your equipment or uniform from the school or on your own. All equipment and uniforms are to be approved by Sensei. 

A water bottle is recommended.

A bo will be required but is not an immediate necessity